Character Focused Motherhood

As moms, we want our kids to grow up to be well mannered, respectful of other people, other's possessions, polite, upstanding people don't we? The question we all ask, or at least think, at some point in our journey in Motherhood is how do we go about doing that?! What is the best way to teach my child these things?

Each mom is going to approach this differently. Some may read books, some may have hands on lessons, some may point out the do's and don't's while out in public so their child can see first hand how it's done or not done. Some may buy a curriculum that has character quality lessons laid out for them, others may use the dictionary, and some may just teach their kids as it's needed.

How does our family teach character lessons? We choose to take them to GOD's Holy perfect Word. The Word He "breathed out" for us. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) GOD's Word is very practical and you can find many verses and examples to teach your child character qualities.

We have daily lessons in character on our school days. Some of these lessons are intentional. For example, we just started our new school year and each day we learn about one character quality. Kathie, from Character Corner , has a great resource for this that we're using. It's a list of 48 character qualities such as Encouragement, Alertness, Forgiveness, Meekness, Self-Control, Thankfulness, and Honesty. She gives a short understandable definition and a verse that goes along with each quality. After studying the definition and verse, we chat about how we can apply this to our personal lives.

Other times these lessons aren't intentional. They just come about because something happened between siblings or they don't get their way or any other number of things. I try very, very hard to always take the time for character training. More often than I care to admit, I fail. I just correct/solve the problem and move on with my day, because doing the dishes, folding laundry, or starting on dinner is important work, right?? While it is important and it needs to get done, character training is even more important. So what I *should* be doing is taking the time to teach my child. But sometimes I get angry because this "is the umpteenth time this has happened!!" when really it's only the 4th. Oy. Or I get annoyed, sigh heavily, roll my eyes and say "Come on guys. Really?!" The LORD has been working on me and those times are getting less and less. I'm so thankful for this! (I'm sure my kids are too hehe)

The times I choose to do the right thing and I talk calmly to my child, I take him back to GOD's Word and show him from the Scriptures what GOD says about this particular character flaw they are exhibiting, teach them how they can solve their problem GOD's way, and then encourage them that they can do this because GOD has enabled them to do the right thing...those times are blessed times. When I handle them and the situation in a godly way, they almost always respond graciously to me, they are repentant, and they make things right with their sibling they have offended/sinned against, and also with their Heavenly Father that they have sinned against.

I just have to make that choice to do the right thing. They just have to make that choice. Which is often the hardest part - choosing to do the right thing. Sounds so simple, doesn't it? But we both know its really not! No matter how old we are we are all tempted to sin and it can be very hard to choose GOD's way.

The biggest focus in my journey in Motherhood, the biggest focus in our home and in our school is character. If I can teach them to be godly, to put on character traits, and the reason why they need these traits.....I can shoot my arrows (Psalm 127:4-5) out into the world with the knowledge that they are equipped to be well mannered human beings. That they will likely succeed in any job they have. But more importantly, that I've equipped them to grow more and more like Christ. Which is my ultimate goal.
