Sin is immaturity. And I illustrated this on Saturday. šš
I’m 26 weeks pregnant with our 9th Blessing and have had a few things pop up that will require me to take my days easier or to go on a day (or more) of bedrest as needed. I know this. I’m ready for this.
Or so I thought.
I had Saturday all planned out - my list was made and I got up ready to work. We celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary yesterday and I had planned to make one of my husbands favorite meals, plus apple pie for dessert. We do all of our Sunday prep, food being a large part of this, on Saturday’s, so it’s a pretty busy day.
I wasn’t up very long when I realized I needed to get off my feet. But I fought it tooth and nail. Mentally whining at the LORD “not today!! I can’t do this today. I’ve got too much to do.” And then right after I would half heartedly tell myself I needed to not say that.....but I’d quickly dismiss or ignore that line of thinking.
Because come on!
I had the day planned! It was our anniversary the next day. I had this special meal I wanted to make my husband. We had an extra full day of work because we had been gone the day before. Several of the kids get exhausted after a day of travel so I was going to take on extra work and give them a break.
But that wasn’t God’s plan for me for that day. And I wasn’t okay with it. Oy.
Mid morning I told my husband he was going to need to yell at me later (*later*!) and explained why. He instantly got on to me, taking the “yell at me” bit seriously. š (he did it kindly and didn’t raise his voice, but it was still yelling haha) And it’s exactly what I needed otherwise I was just going to keep pushing myself. Not safe for Baby or I.
I was so discouraged. Just wanting to cry over my circumstances. My sweet husband kept checking on me and when I’d tell him I was discouraged he would try to encourage me. Pffttt. I just thought he wasn’t understanding what I was going through and basically refused to be encouraged.
By the end of the day I finally (*finally*) realized that I simply wasn’t being flexible to God’s plan. One of our kids struggles with displaying this character quality so it’s a fairly common conversation about being flexible. And here I am being the worlds greatest example in how NOT to behave. š
I shared with my husband what was going on and he just wisely nodded. Then with relief in his voice said “I’m really glad you came to this on your own.” Poor guy. I realized he had been trying to point this out all day, but wanting me to figure it out on my own, plus he could also tell I wasn’t actually going to hear him.
We often think of sin being a “kid thing” or at least as adults we keep it internal and are more discreet with our sin. But it’s not true. We can behave just as badly as little kids. Maybe not as loudly or as obvious, but we sin just like them. Tim Challis wrote this short article on it that is a good, quick read.
Character training isn’t just for kids. Mama’s need it too.
My Mama Theme Verse is Galatians 6:9. I remind myself often to “not grow weary” on hard days when the kids can’t seem to learn their lesson. But I need this verse for myself just as much! I fail so often, but I need to remember to not grow weary in my own character training. To be willing to learn my lessons. And to work hard. Let’s admit it though. Its waaaayyy easier to NOT work on faults. It’s waaaayyy easier to not have to apologize. But that’s not Christ-like behavior.
In Hebrews 5:12-6:1 Paul tells us:
“You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity…”
Babies outgrow needing milk fairly quickly and move on to solid foods. We need to be constantly working and growing in our faith so that we move from needing milk to needing solid food. Don’t grow weary mama!!!!
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