What I've Learned About Feminism This Past Week Or So


I think that this is a word that, as Christians, makes us cringe. 

For me, this brings up mental images of women marching in the streets, rebelling, saying "we don't need men!", demanding equality with men, and all sorts of scary other things. 

Author Rebekah Merkle does an amazing job of showing us a different side to this word in her book, 'Eve in Exile'. She shows us what biblical feminism is. And it's not scary. It's amazing!! In the first half or so of her book, she takes us through history, showing us when the first waves of feminism started, what it looked like, and some of the why's. She also shows us why some of the thought process is wrong and goes against GOD's Word. It was a really good history lesson. I learned a lot! 

Then! Then the second half of the book is practical - how we can apply GOD's principals and plans for us as women. She does gives some examples, but really just shows you how to apply GOD's Word to your specific situation. Rebekah makes the point that we are called to obey our husbands, not all men, and since each of our husbands is unique, each of our situations is unique. How I help my husband is going to look different from how you help your husband. But the principals and plans for us as women are all the same. 

One thing I was really shocked by was how much feminism is ingrained in my thinking. I don't teach my girls modern feminism, in fact we've had conversations refuting it from GOD's Word so they would learn to think biblically. And yet, it's in my head. And I had no idea. Which means it's influencing me, decisions I make, how I approach things.....boy does that scare me! I work hard to base everything in GOD's Word, but now that I know this is all in my head, I'll be taking extra care. 

For the past few weeks I've been in a slump. I will have completed my daily chores, school has been checked off, and I'll find myself with nothing to do. Nothing! I mean, seriously?! I've got ten kids and there is nothing to do??? I'd look around the house and see areas that needed attention, but yet I couldn't find any jobs to do. A few times I would be able to see/find/articulate a specific job....but not have the energy to do it. It was really quite pathetic. And I couldn't get past it. But I didn't figure out that I was in a slump for a few weeks. 

Amy, over at Raising Arrows, wrote this article that made me stop in my tracks and whisper to myself "Wow. I could have written this! Except I didn't know this is what I was feeling. Whoa." I had lost enjoyment in my job and wasn't getting anywhere because of the slump I was feeling. In her post, Amy referenced this book, 'Eve in Exile'.  I ordered it the next day. After reading it,  I'm feeling motivated, energized (mentally at least lol), and wanting to take my job as a homemaker to the next level. 

It's kinda funny. 1-2 weeks after Amy wrote that blog post, she posted to her YouTube channel that she had big plans for decluttering and tackling some things around the house, but her kids got sick. I've been slowly formulating plans in my head and working on my personal work ethic this past week, but this week I was wanting to do even more....and now we're sick. Haha! Only a few of us are sick so far and it's mild. Enough we're doing more lazing around and resting though. I'm very pleased to report that we did accomplish school this morning!

Even if you're not in a slump like I was, I can't encourage you enough to get this book. It's so good and based upon GOD's Word. She writes in this fun way (I called it "kinda snarky" lol), so it's an easy read. I think you'll enjoy it and come away encouraged and challenged in your role as a woman, wife, and mother. 

Don't grow weary in your tasks mama. You *will* reap the rewards!!! Galatians 6:9 💕
